The girlfriends flew to Seattle last weekend for a much needed get away. My dear daughter played tour guide, host, and taxi driver for four crazy ladies. She may never be the same. :)

We toured the Pike's Market where Chris bought fresh flowers--something she's always wanted to do there but never had a place to put them. Lindsay gladly gave them a home.

We watched the fish fly, sampled fresh fruit and donuts, and visited the gum wall. Who knew, with all the wonderful things to do and see in Seattle, that a place where thousands of people have stuck their gum to the wall is the most visited site. And, how in the world did that get started?

A night on the town was next. Little black dresses and heels came out of the suitcases. We watched the sun set and the moon rise while slowly circling the top of the space needle. Gorgeous!
Of course, there's always shopping on a girlfriend trip. We hit the outlet mall in Marysville where Linda scored the best deals of the day--three pairs of pants from Coldwater Creek for only $9.99 each. But, we all found something to take home. Lindsay had great fun listening to us try to pronounce local city names. Can you say, Mukilteo, Tulalip, Puyallup, or Sammamish correctly?

Saturday had us bundling up for a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island and a yummy breakfast. On the way over, the boat captain brought the ferry to a complete stop for a memorial service. First time I'd ever seen ashes scattered at sea. They were actually encased in a large clear envelope. It was quite moving to be a part of it even though none of us knew the family. Then we traveled from Bainbridge to Seattle by ferry--one of the most scenic ferry rides in the area. A stroll through the souvenir shops for t-shirts and some time sitting outside Starbucks (where else in Seattle would you go for coffee) people watching completed the day.

Although the sight-seeing and meals and shopping are fun, the best part of a girlfriend's trip is the laughter! Just what we always need to forget the stresses of everyday life and prepare us to return to work and family until the next time.
I love my girlfriends. Missed you Penny. Thanks again, Lindsay.