I heard the most amazing story this week. The elderly mother of a friend from church had been ill for a while and was in Hospice care. All her children and her husband had said good-bye. Everyone was waiting for the inevitable. My friend said that twice his mom awoke and was disappointed to still be alive. She was ready to see Jesus and was sad it hadn't happened during the night! What a perfect example of a Christian woman--living for Jesus all her life and excited to see Him in the end.
It brought to mind the words of an old hymn, Face to Face with Christ, by Grant Colfax
Tullar. The last verse and chorus go like this.
Face to face--oh, blissful moment!Face to face--to see and know;Face to face with my Redeemer,Jesus Christ who loves me so.Face to face I shall behold Him,Far beyond the starry sky;Face to face in all His glory,I shall see Him by and by.