Saturday, October 15, 2011
A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That....
Manor Market is just down the street from Lindsay (my daughter). It's about the size of a 7-Eleven. We pass it nearly every time we leave her house, as it sits on the corner of a fairly busy intersection. Sometimes we stop for a drink or for her to get gas. It always brings a smile to my face when we do.
Eclectic doesn't even begin to describe this place! You name it; they sell it. You can buy "freshly made" sandwiches, beer kegs, wood for your fireplace, lottery tickets, disposable phones, snacks, maps--the list is endless. And, there is no rhyme or reason as to how it's shelved. Last time we stopped, they had potato chips and motor oil on the same aisle. Just trying to maneuver through the store is incentive to stick your diet. Not only are the aisles filled to overflowing, they are very narrow. As you can see from the picture, merchandise spills out the front doors onto the sidewalk and even hangs from one door. The other door (on the right in the photo) displays photos of anyone who has bounced a check in the store. Not exactly how you want to earn your fifteen minutes of fame!
It makes me smile just thinking of Manor Market. And who doesn't appreciate something to smile about on a beautiful fall afternoon?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Combat Croquet
Just about every year, we have a group of people over for dinner and then a game of combat croquet. And each year, we try to add a few "newbies" to the mix. We hosted the combat croquet evening last Monday. It had been several years since we'd done so. Everyone had a great time! The pictures hardly do it justice, but you'll get the idea.
We start with dinner (on a level surface).
Then the fun begins!
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Choosing colors. |
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Behind the fence. |
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Battling back up the hill. |
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Levels of the hill. |
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In the rough. |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
When the snow finally melted off my front flower bed in May, five small green stems poked their heads through the dirt reaching for the sun. I remembered planting bulbs last fall. But, for the life of me, I had no idea what kind or why. You see, I have a black thumb when it comes to gardening; so I always plant the same thing. Petunias. They grow well here, don't require much upkeep, provide plenty of color for the front of the house, and are hearty enough to survive my touch. These were definitely NOT petunias.
I watched and waited hoping for a clue. The stems grew taller and taller. No buds. Still taller--still no buds. June gave way to July. Finally, long slender buds formed. And took forever to open. Two weeks later, when they finally did, lo and behold--stargazer lilies!!
And it all came back to me! Last year after my mom died, two dear friends gave me a basket of the lilies. They had no idea that stargazer lilies were my mom's favorite flower. I enjoyed them in the pot until all the blossoms were gone then transplanted them to the front flower bed. It's the only place in my yard that gets direct sun, which is what the little tag in the pot said these particular flowers needed.
Somtimes being forgetful can bring surprises like finding Easter eggs you hid yourself. And, sometimes forgetfulness brings wonderful blessings. The surprise of a beautiful flower. The memory of my fantastic mom. The thoughtfulness of two special friends. God is so good!
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Passing of an Era
As I watched, I reflected on what an integral part of my life space exploration and travel has been. You see, I grew up in Texas City, Texas. Less than 20 miles from the Johnson Space Center. I remember the race against the Russians to be the first to launch a man into space and the palpable disappointment when Yuri Gagarin blasted off on April 12, 1961. (Coincidentally, Tommy's 9th birthday.) Alan Shepard followed on May 5, 1961. Sooooo close. Can you believe that was 50 years ago?
The space program progressed from Mercury to Gemini to Apollo missions. Each time there was a launch, our school teachers would bring a television to class so we could watch. Small--probably 12" screens--with a grainy, black and white picture. The rabbit ears had to be positioned just so in order for us to even get that. Yet, the entire class would be riveted to the picture. I was in the second grade when John Glenn blasted off the first time. History in the making. And, I got to watch!
We took several field trips to see "Mission Control" in my later years of elementary school. I doubt I was as impressed as I should have been. Mostly it was a day out of the classroom. Although it was cool when the lights that tracked a space flight's path were turned on for us. Yet, every time I see mission control featured in a movie or a television program, it takes me back. How many people can say they've actually been there?
Where you were July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong took "one small step for mankind; one giant leap for mankind"? I was sitting in my boyfriend's family room once again riveted to the television (this time a color picture). Only eight years from the first manned launch to putting a man on the moon. Wow!
Before he reported for active duty with the Air Force, Tommy's spent a year working for McDonnell Douglas designing crew procedures for the space shuttle. That was in 1974. Just seven years later, Space Shuttle Columbia launched. April 12, 1981. We were living in Utah, home of Thiokol (now ATK) who makes the solid rocket boosters used to launch the shuttle into orbit. Once again riveted to the television and living near an integral part of the program.
Let's not forget the Hubble telescope or the twin Mars exploration rovers or the Cassini spacecraft that orbited Saturn. Between 1998 and 2000, three separate launches carried space station modules into space to later be connected so men could live there. Enormous technological advances have come as a result of the space program. I read somewhere that most watches today have more computer technology in them than the first space modules did.
And now, it's over. Johnson Space Center employees 3,000 scientists, engineers, and support staff. Many will lose their jobs. A high school friend who has worked at NASA for 23 years said today was a very emoi\tional day. She just felt empty. Layoff notices are expected at ATK as well. How sad.
Hopefully, this won't be the end of our space exploration. As my friend said, "the sky's the limit." I hope we find a way to continue to explore the final frontier--to continue "to go where no one has gone before."
Sunday, July 3, 2011
And how cool to see flags flying on homes and businesses around town! What a reminder of the freedoms we enjoy in this great country--to speak our mind, to worship as we desire, to bear arms, just to name a few. In the busyness of the day, let's not forget those who fought to make sure we had--and continue to enjoy--those freedoms. They were bought at a great price.
There is another freedom we should remember and for which we should be especially thankful. Not just on July 4th but year round. That is freedom from an eternity in hell. That, too, comes at a great price. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NLT)
We sang Stuart Townsend's, "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" in church this morning. It is a favorite of mine. These verses make me cry every time we sing it.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
My Three Fathers....
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Ray Pope |
![]() Ralph Waite |
Thank you, Lord, for these special fathers. What a blessing they've been in my life.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Yesterday was our 36th wedding anniversary. Quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself! Tommy and I always play the "what were you doing at this time the day we were married" game throughout the day. It's good to reflect back and remember that exciting time.
We also reflect on previous anniversary celebrations and milestones in our lives. He was in Spokane for winter survival training our first anniversary. Little did we know what a foreshadowing of things to come that was. Between a military career and a job with the airlines, we've probably been apart as many times as we've been together on May 24th. We've learned celebrations don't have to be on a particular day to be special.
We've taken some wonderful trips around our anniversary--San Francisco twice, once driving the Pacific Coast Highway south and once driving it north; Hawaii to celebrate 30 years; and Charleston to name a few. Our kids and a good friend feted us with a fabulous surprise party for our 25th anniversary! But, we've also had quiet evenings at home or simply gone out to dinner. Just yesterday, we spent the day installing the mirror and towel holder in the half bath we've been remodeling and watched American Idol. Pretty boring day, but we've learned celebrations don't have to be fancy to be special.
Sometimes there are gifts, sometimes not. We usually buy something for the house or that we can use together. A beautiful mantle clock for our second anniversary. A new grill one year. A hot tub for number 25 (not something silver, I know, but we LOVE it). We've learned it's better to make memories than buy things.
As I reflected on our marriage throughout the day, another thought came to mind. In 1967, I went with a friend to First Baptist Church, Texas City, to listen to a report from the youth group about their recent mission trip. The excitement about what they had done was amazing! I remember thinking, "I want to be a part of something like that" and asked my mom and dad if I could move my church membership to FBC. Making this change meant they would have to drive me across town to church rather then letting me walk around the corner. Yet, they agreed to the change. I became active in the FBC youth group, and two years later went on my first mission trip to McAllen, Texas, where we led Vacation Bible School.
Want to guess who I met on that mission trip? Yep, Tommy. We became friends; and two years later we began dating. Four years after that we married. Coincidence? I don't think so. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
All those years ago, God spoke to the heart of a young baby Christian, who didn't even know how to ask for His direction, and moved her to the place where she would grow in His word and meet the wonderful Christian man who would become her soul mate. We've learned God is faithful and truly does direct our paths.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tommy reported for active duty with the Air Force two weeks after we married and retired from the Reserves 23 years later. All 36 years of our marriage have been spent near an Air Force base, and we have been so blessed by our military life. Friends all over the world. Opportunity to live in Germany and travel throughout Europe. Visiting East Berlin before the wall came down. Minds opened by living among different cultures and people groups. Children who can make friends easily and quickly. Standing in the hot sun to see countless air shows and being wowed when the Thunderbirds perform--even after seeing them a bazillion times.
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of negatives to a military life. Tommy missed 17 months of the first two years of Lindsay's life while on a remote assignment to Korea and attending school in Nevada. Crazy schedules! Some weeks we communicated via notes on the kitchen counter, because we were never home and awake at the same time. A dangerous profession. We've lost friends to airplane crashes, which always brings the, "it could have been me," thoughts to the forefront of you mind for a bit.
Even with the difficult times, I wouldn't trade our military life for anything. It's difficult to put into words what it means. Tears when airplane passengers remain seated and applaud as returning soldiers are allowed to deplane first. Standing when our flag passes by, singing the national anthem with my hand on my heart, stopping what I'm doing when Taps is played--all remind me of what a great country we live in. And what privileges it provides. And the cost to keep it that way.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Country Girl in the Big City

I most definitely felt like the country bumpkin coming to the big city. All I could think of was Gomer Pyle saying, "Golly" in that long, drawn out southern way. But, it sure was fun!

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Birthday Blessings

My first well wishes came almost a week before my birthday on February 28th when a couple of ladies at church said "Happy Birthday" as I passed them in the hall. Tommy and I flew to Las Vegas Wednesday through Friday before the 5th to see "The Lion King." It's an awesome production, by the way. My son and daughter-in-law called the night before my birthday with a nice surprise (more on that below). Many people took the time to post birthday greetings on Facebook. I got several calls on my actual birthday. My boss took me to lunch the Monday after. Cards came in the mail for a couple of weeks. I had lunch dates to celebrate with friends on the 11th and the 14th. And just this week, a surprise package arrived in the mail. All in all a very good birthday celebration lasting almost a month!
There were two extra-special gifts this year. First, Matt and Amber called the night before my birthday to say they had decided what to buy with some money I had given them and wanted to see what I thought. They then texted this picture to me and Tommy. What a special way to let us know our first grandchild was on the way. And, what a wonderful birthday present! This was the first birthday since my mom died, and I missed her annual call. Lindsay pointed out that perhaps God knew it would be tough not hearing from my mom, so He blessed me with another pretty great phone call. Isn't God good? And wasn't my daughter insightful?
My life is truly blessed--whether it's my birthday or not.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Maybe tomorrow......

It gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger while I continue to do nothing. Instead of getting the task done, I worry over it for days before even beginning. Nine times out of ten, the task isn't nearly as hard as I imagined. So, I've wasted time, stressed for no reason, and still have to work under pressure. You'd think I would know better after 57 years. Obviously, this old dog isn't learning any new tricks.
Perhaps I should heed these words from Matthew 6:34, "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." (The Message)
Easier said than done, though.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Continuing to count...
6) Heater repairman who was willing to work the broken furnace at my office into his schedule yesterday.
7) A friend who loaned me her sweater to wear until he got the work done.
8) The modern methods of communication that allowed me to easily let my boss know what was happening at the office even though he was in Atlanta.
9) Temperatures that were warmer than the previous week, which kept the pipes (and me) from freezing even though the furnace was out.
10) Sunshine on the snow.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lesson Learned........Again
One of my biggest fears is being a negative person. You know, the type who always sees the bad in a situation and complains loudly about it. The glass half-empty team. Lately, I fear that describes me more often than not.Just this morning, the sound of my neighbor snow blowing his driveway woke me at 5:45 (my alarm was set for 7). There I was tossing and turning and grumbling about not being able to get back to sleep. So, I gave in and got up and decided to go ahead and clear our driveway. What a treat I had when I stepped out the door! The full moon sitting just above the horizon in all its glory. (No this is not an actual picture of what I saw; it came from Google. But, it's close.) Thank you, God, for that blessing.
The second thing I noticed was that the newspaper delivery person had driven in the driveway and packed down the snow. More grumbling on my part. "Now there will be places where I can't get the snow off, so it will take days for that snow to melt, and he/she didn't even toss the paper on the porch, just dropped it in the snow, good thing I saw it before running over it with the snow blower," etc... We had rain last night before it got cold enough to snow, so there was ice under the snow on the driveway. Our driveway slopes toward the street. Because of the ice, I had difficulty getting the snow blower up the driveway (even though it's self-propelled). My feet kept slipping--until I stood in the lines of packed snow from the newspaper delivery person's car. Thank you, Lord, for your provision.
"And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord." Psalm 35:9 Thank you, God, for the reminders. Once again, I set out to count my blessings rather than grumble. Here are a few:
1) A snow blower to make clearing the driveway easier.
2) A neighbor who cleared the sidewalks in front of my house as well as his.
3) Good tires on my car that keep me from sliding on the icy roads.
4) A roof over my head, hot chocolate, and warm gloves on a cold morning.
5) The winter wonderland of tree limbs coated in snow with the sun shining through them. It looked like a forest of glistening rock candy.
My glass is definitely half-full. Perhaps I'll jot down blessings here from time to time and watch as it fills to overflowing.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Trip 1

Day 1 we drove out of Maryland and through Pennsylvania (including a stint on the Pennsylvania Turnpike), West Virginia, and Ohio. I had driven in Pennsylvania a couple of years ago and loved the rolling green hills. It was just as pretty this trip--white clapboard houses; red barns with ads for milk, tobacco, or local restaurants painted on the side; churches with steeples and bell towers. We even passed a horse and buggy near Quaker City.

Day 2 took us out of Ohio and through Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri. This was what greeted us as we entered Indiana. Have no idea who put it up, but it was awesome to see! Lots of antique malls here. Wish I'd had time to stop and browse. The rolling hills gave way to farmland; there were cornfields as far as the eye could see with numbers periodically placed on the ends of the rows. Saw my first Denny's with a drive-thru window, but we skipped that and stopped at Steak and Shake for lunch. Yum! While we were eating lunch, we noticed several ladies peeking in the windows of our new car. Nice to know others appreciated it as much as we did.
We detoured a little to the south in order to stop at the famous arch in St. Louis. My first time to visit there. It was awesome! I loved the "stair step" feel of the elevator ride to the top. And, we were blessed with good weather and an even better view.

We wanted to stop for lunch in Lincoln but weren't sure where to do so. Tommy decided to use the GPS to find us a restaurant. It told us to exit I-80 down this two-lane dirt road past a gas station and between rows of corn. It was obvious there wasn't an Applebee's there, so we turned around and got back on the freeway grumbling about how stupid the GPS was. After just a couple of minutes, traffic slowed to a crawl. An RV traveling eastbound had crossed the median and both lanes of westbound traffic and was lying on its side north of the freeway. Had we not detoured, we would have been in the path of the RV! Thank you, Lord, for your protection even when we aren't aware we need it. Perhaps we can rename the GPS, "God's Protective System."
Day 4 took us through Wyoming and home to Utah. Wyoming is windy! Always. Most overpasses have windsocks attached with warnings about high winds. Snow fences (placed along the side of the road to keep snow from drifting across the freeway), wind turbines, and cows are now the "crop" of the state. We passed Buford, Wyoming, billed as the nation's smalled town with a population of 1, but it included a convenience store. We drove across the Continental Divide and ever closer to our beloved mountains finally pulling into the driveway about dinner time.

Trip 2

Matt and Amber live in Scottsdale. Like so many large cities, it's hard to tell where Scottsdale ends and Phoenix or Chandler or Mesa begins. Although I am NOT a fan of the summer heat, I do love all the outdoor malls, beautiful desert colors, and the many things to do such a large metropolis offers. There are a number of ways to get from Arizona to Utah, but we usually go north rather than west through Las Vegas. As you travel north on Interstate 17, you leave the heat behind as you climb into Flagstaff. This is the view out the windshield as we approached the city.

Next comes Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell. Gorgeous! The picture doesn't do it justice.

That brings us into Utah where we turn left, drive through Kanab and begin the climb to Beaver.

Kanab is home to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, a no-kill shelter for dogs, cats, horses, and other animals. I had just read a magazine article about the director, who visited the shelter on vacation and ultimately moved from New York to Kanab to work at the shelter as a volunteer before being named the director.

You can stay on Highway 89 and drive through all sorts of small towns between Kanab and Layton, but it takes much longer. Given this is a 12-hour drive by interstate, and we wanted to get home before the predicted snow storm of the evening, we opted to press on towards Interstate 15. That takes you through central Utah, which is grazing land; and on into Salt Lake City. Sounds quick, but it's another four hours plus to our home. After 12 hours in the Jeep, we were more than ready once again to sleep in our own bed and not have to drive very far for a while.
I did notice in putting this blog together that, when we do take road trips, we seem to drive in a straight line. Google map instructions from Scottsdale to Layton say something like "turn north on I-17 and drive 200 miles, turn left at Page and drive 117 miles, etc. Perhaps we are so accustomed to flying that we automatically take the route the crow (or should I say airplane) flies.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Well, MFF came back to bite Tommy in the behind while in Phoenix for our Christmas celebration. He does NOT enjoy playing board games, and the rest of us love it. Amber got "Pit" for Christmas and wanted to teach us how to play. Lindsay and Matt played the MFF card and forced Tommy to join us. This is the adult version of eye rolling and whining.

Ward Family Christmas

We don't cook a big Christmas dinner, although we did make hamburgers one night.

Have you ever seen such concentration playing Wii?
Amber's uber excited to get her workout clothes. I love her wonderful, expressive personality

Lindsay left the Gap this summer after working there for ten years. Because she could purchase with a discount, and we took advantage of friends and family days, we've had a generous supply of Gap boxes over the years. This may be the last Gap box we'll ever see. :)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.