Matt and Amber came to visit last week. Yea!!! It was the first time they'd been in Utah since they came for Trevail and Laura's wedding last June. And, the first time they'd visited as a married couple.
An unexpected treat was the opportunity for Matt and Amber to join Tommy and I at the 85th birthday celebration of a friend from a former church. We ran into several people who had not seen Matt since he was about 10 years old. (Why do we always picture the children of friends in our mind as they were when we last saw them even as we watch our own children grow up?) He loved the shocked look on faces when people figured out who he was--and the extra surprise of getting to introduce his wife.
Unfortunately, they were able to come because Matt was let go from his job. Since it was also Amber's spring break, we thought it might be good for them to get away for a few days. I think they did enjoy some time from the stress of "what now." They visited their Utah friends, went to the zoo, and shared some laughs and good talks with mom and dad. I know we loved having them here.
My heart hurts for them as they face the uncertainties of the future. It's hard when your children hurt and you can't fix it. Yet, I rejoice knowing God is in control and in seeing Matt and Amber acknowledge that. There are blessings in the midst of this time of adversity--good friends to lift them in prayer, an unexpected temporary part-time job to provide some extra income, and even a forgotten gift card to Wal-mart that surfaced the day Matt lost his job.
God is good! All the time!