
Thursday, March 12, 2009


My birthday was last week. I LOVE my birthday!!! It's getting to hear from friends and family that makes it special. It's also fun to spread the celebration over several days or even weeks. And this one was great.

As a Facebook newbie, I was surprised to get lots of greetings from friends I normally would not hear from. Those one-line well wishes were nice to read. My kids called. My boss took the office staff to lunch to celebrate my and a coworker's birthdays. The mailbox held cards from friends and family for over a week. A friend who shares March as a birthday month met me for lunch another day. We recently reconnected after many years. It's so nice to catch up with her and her family. Tommy took me for a steak lunch at Lonestar. It doesn't get much better for a Texas girl!

Thanks to everyone for remembering me. And, in case you're curious, I don't mind telling you I celebrated the big "double nickle" (as my sister so cleverly reminded me).

1 comment:

JanMarie said...

Happy late Birthday Debbie :) Sorry I missed telling you that last week! Sounds like it was wonderful........